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pipeline corrosion

Corrosion will cost the US economy over $500 billion this year, almost double the loss reported in 2002.

In addition to direct costs, incidents like Three Mile Island accident in 1979 and MV Erika oil spill in 1999 (both caused by corrosion failures) leave untold indirect costs and liability exposure.

Cor-Pro Systems specializes in quality corrosion protection for critical equipment and has a 26 year track record of ZERO CORROSION PROTECTION FAILURES.

Below are some highlights of corrosion protection methods, how they differ and the importance of ensuring quality corrosion protection.

For custom quotes, questions or discussions about corrosion protection best-practices for critical equipment, please contact

Why Opt For Quality Corrosion Protection Methods?

You may not see a lot of news regarding corrosion-related accidents on the front page of newspapers. However, corrosion can sink vital industries such as petroleum, infrastructure, power, and so much more.

Aside from possible economic and environmental damage brought by weathered equipment, corrosion can also claim lives as it did during the 747 Amsterdam Crash in 1991 and the Silver Bridge disaster in 1967, where a rusty bridge collapsed and killed 46 people in the process.

According to World Corrosion Organization (WCO), an NGO dealing with worldwide corrosion problems, the world loses €1.3 to 1.4 trillion annually because of corrosion.

However, the group pointed out that around 20 to 25 percent—or roughly €325 to 360 billion—of that loss can be diverted to protection and prevention of corrosion in your equipment. Aside from structural and environmental damage, corrosion also poses a threat to public health and safety.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency warned of rusty water pipes and their potential health risks to the general public. According to the agency, although consumption of iron may not have serious health risks, impurities and microorganisms absorbed by iron solids may lead to sickness and diseases when ingested.

With corrosion silently undermining several industries and the society in general, how can we protect our equipment from being weathered?

Chrome Pipe Corrosion

Kinds Of Corrosion Protection—And How They Differ From Each Other

Protecting your equipment is as easy as 1-2-3: you just have to find the right kind of anti-corrosion treatment for your specified needs. However, you need to find the right anti-corrosion process for your equipment. In order to know the right treatment for your needs, here are some of the most corrosion protection services:

1. Cathodic Protection

This kind of anti-corrosion practice is mostly used on ship hulls, undersea gas pipes, and oil rigs. By deploying a more electrically active alloy near the protected structure or equipment, the said alloy “diverts” the attention of corrosive agents away from the structure and absorbs all the electrolytes until it breaks down and completely corrodes.

Cathodic protection has two methods: sacrificial anodes and impressed current. The former occurs by attaching a small piece of galvanic alloy to the structure that acts as the first line of defense against corrosion. Meanwhile, impressed current uses an external power source to make it more electrically attractive to electrolytes.

2. Corrosion Inhibitors

Usually in a form of an additive, corrosion inhibitors are formulas that slow down the rate of corrosion of the metal. By creating a thin layer of protective film inside kinds of equipment such as storage tanks, engines, and other materials with liquid storage capabilities, corrosion inhibitors can be added without completely dismantling or halting their operation.


3. CoatingsCoatings

Coatings aren’t just for coloring your equipment—they can also protect your materials from corrosion. Different kinds of coating such as epoxy, urethane, zinc, and others create a layer of protection from harmful elements like air, water, and other environmental corrosion agents. Aside, semi-permanent coats such as chrome plating and electroplated nickel shroud the metal with a layer of film that tends to last longer.